The project of the 4-th construction phase of the “Triumph-Park” housing development ( Pulkovskoe highway, 30 (site 4), Saint-Petersburg, Russia) obtained a positive conclusion №78-2-1-3-0061-16 of a non-state expertise NEPS, Ltd.

Our Chief engineer Alexander Malakhov got a Certificate №МС-Э-4-2-6814 of the state Ministry of construction for his right to expertise project documentation and (or) results of engineering survey in heating, water supply, sewerage, ventilation and air conditioning.
The project of the 3-d stage of the 1-st construction phase of the “Triumph-Park” housing development ( Pulkovskoe highway, 30 (site 1), Saint-Petersburg, Russia) obtained a positive conclusion №78-1-4-0206-15 of a non-state expertise NEPS, Ltd.
The project of the 4-th construction phase of the “Triumph-Park” housing development (Pulkovskoe highway, 30 (site 4), Saint-Petersburg, Russia) was awarded with a Diploma of the Union of Architects of Russia in the nomination «Ecologically sustainable architecture» at the international challenge «Zodchestvo-2015».
The project of a business centre (Pionerskaya st., 53, Saint-Petersburg, Russia) was awarded with a Diploma of the Union of Architects of Russia in the nomination « Architectural work of art for 2012-2014. The best civic & cultural facility» at the international challenge «Zodchestvo-2014».
Our company obtained a new Certificate of admission to design works №0035/4-2014/624-7811334039-П-73 from the Union of architects and engineers of Saint-Petersburg.